
Increasing Access to Biomarker Testing - SB496 (Limón)


SB 496 (Limón) will increase access to biomarker testing, ensuring patients receive the right treatment at the right time.

Need for bill:

  • Precision medicine is dramatically improving cancer outcomes by using information about a person’s own genes or proteins (biomarkers) to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease.
  • Advances in biomarker testing and cancer treatments now allow for targeted cancer therapies that can improve patient survival and quality of life. 
  • Testing patients for specific biomarkers is integral to precision medicine in cancer care, but despite evidence pointing to the benefits, testing rates lag behind clinical guideline recommendations. 
  • Research shows that there are socioeconomic inequalities in biomarker testing and targeted therapy utilization across cancer types. 
  • In a 2021 survey, 66% of oncology providers reported that insurance coverage for biomarker testing is a barrier to biomarker testing. 
  • Health care coverage for biomarker testing is failing to keep pace with scientific advancements. 
  • Timely access to appropriate biomarker testing will result in better health outcomes, advance health equity, and reduce costs by connecting all patients to the most effective treatments.

What will SB 496 do?

Senate Bill 496 will require state-regulated plans, including Medi-Cal, to cover comprehensive biomarker testing when supported by medical and scientific evidence, including nationally recognized clinical practice guidelines.

View the SB496 factsheet here.