Short Films


Clarissa Clinkscales outside local Mississippi hospital

Hope for a Healthier South Carolina

Medicaid Covers US Short Films

Right now, 2 million people across the country don’t have access to any form of affordable, quality health care. ACS CAN has partnered with filmmakers to create short films that  center the voices of community members and shine light on the importance of Medicaid coverage. Medicaid coverage empowers us all to live healthy lives, and we’re working with faith leaders, health care professionals, and other community leaders to start conversations and close the gap between people who do and don’t have health coverage.


Get Involved

Together, we can work to help millions of Americans gain access to affordable, quality health coverage.

Join the Conversation

Join the conversation about the impact of Medicaid for individuals, families, and communities.

Many South Carolinians face significant barriers to health care, with families struggling to afford medical bills and access vital services. This short documentary examines the challenges faced by those in the Medicaid coverage gap and highlights how Medicaid expansion would benefit working South Carolinians and their families.

This short documentary, made prior to South Dakota's vote to expand Medicaid, illustrates the impacts complicated rules and gaps in services have on our Indigenous communities, and how Medicaid expansion strengthens our circles and empower us to all live healthier lives.

In rural Alabama, hospitals, providers and patients are facing serious challenges. This short dives into several rural areas and looks at the role Medicaid plays in local economies and hospitals.

In this short filmed in North Carolina, we meet farmers and childcare workers who are unable to access the care they need and explore what that means for their families and communities.  

Medicaid Covers US

Visit our campaign home page to learn more about who is covered by Medicaid, why Medicaid is so important to our friends, neighbors, and community, and how to get involved.