Alaska cancer advocates will be descending upon our state capitol for an incredible day of action (Date)
2024 Alaska Cancer Action Day
Weekday, Month, Date
ACS CAN Alaska 2024 legislative priorities:
Activities List:
Review our priorities
Insert one-pagers
Stories Behind the Statistics - Texas Biomarker Testing Stories (replace with Alaska tobacco storybook doc once ready)
Sign the Petition
Sign our petition on the Alaska homepage to amplify our voices in the fight against big tobacco!
Media Opportunities
- Submit a letter to the editor: Turn your letter public with a quick and easy template letter to the editor! Work with (Name) on our media advocacy team to submit your letter to a local paper about the importance of biomarkers and cancer prevention funding in Iowa
Social Media
Follow us on Social Media and share your reason to fight with the hashtags #AKCancerActionDay and #AKvsTobacco (?)
- Facebook
- Twitter @acscanak
Share Your Story
- Lending your voice to make a difference is powerful. Sharing your story makes statistics and data become real. It is what puts a human face to a disease. Cancer. Your story saves lives.
Click here to share your Cancer journey, or your experience with Biomarker testing.
Meet with your elected official's office to talk with them about our priorities!
Schedule a "Drop In" with your elected official in their local office. We know that not everybody will be able to make it to Austin, but the in district office is a critical piece to winning the fight against cancer. Meeting with your elected officials and their staff in district lets them know that they are being connected with - and have access to information - at all points in the state. If this is something that you are intrested in, please contact your Grassroots Manager!
Track your progress on the volunteer report-back form!