Michigan Legislative Cancer and BioSciences Caucus meeting on Biomarkers
The Growing Importance of Biomarkers – Improving Health, Reducing Costs.
By some accounts, the future of medicine, especially precision medicine, will be predicated on the use of biomarkers – biological characteristics that can be objectively measured accurately and reproducibly with specialized tools and technologies – that can aid in understanding the prediction, cause, diagnosis, progression, and regression of disease, and as a consequence of therapeutic treatments or medical interventions.
The Michigan Cancer and Biosciences Legislative Caucuses present jointly an opportunity to learn about the application of biomarkers towards improving health access. ACS CAN and MichBio have teamed up to put together the briefing.
Join us virtually on September 16th at 12 PM as experts from around the state discuss the science and application of biomarker testing, how biomarkers have advanced treatment for so many patients, and the critical need to make testing more accessible for Michiganders.