Lights of Hope at the Minneapolis Hope Lodge
Join us on Tuesday, September 26 from 7pm-8:30pm for a Lights of Hope display at the Minneapolis Hope Lodge.
The display will include live music and light desserts. It is free to attend and will be "come and go" style, so please join us when you are able to!
RSVP'ing is not required, but doing so will allow ACS CAN staff to send you a reminder about the event.
The Lights of Hope event is ACS CAN’s signature fundraiser dedicated to honoring those who have been impacted by cancer and remembering those lost.
Do you know a survivor, someone in treatment, someone who passed from cancer, or someone who served as a caregiver? Honor them by dedicating a Light of Hope and help us send a visible reminder to Congress that they need to make fighting cancer a legislative priority.
Want to donate a Lights of Hope bag? Donate at: https://acscan.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.participan...