ACS CAN 2022 Montana Virtual Policy Briefing: Biomarker Testing - The Key to Precision Medicine
Pre-registration has now closed, but you can still join us the day of the event here:
Biomarker testing is growing increasingly important in cancer care, allowing doctors to better understand and tailor treatment to an individual patient’s unique disease. Timely access to appropriate biomarker testing can help achieve better health outcomes, improve quality of life and reduce costs by connecting patients to the most effective treatment for their cancer. Join ACS CAN for a virtual briefing about precision medicine and the importance of expanding access to this testing so that patients across Montana can benefit from the latest advances in treatment.
Welcome and Introduction, Kristin Page-Nei, Montana Government Relations Director
Biomarker Testing - The Key to Precision Medicine, Connecting patients with the right treatment at the right time - Marielena Mata, Ph.D., Senior Director and Diagnostics Lead, Pfizer
Policy Opportunities to Improve Patient Access to Biomarker Testing, Hilary Gee Goeckner, MSW, Senior State & Local; Campaigns Manager – Access to Care, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
The use of the Montana Tumor Registry database to assess Cancer Care in Montana, Jack Hensold, MD, Medical Director of Regional Outreach and consultant to the Montana Cancer Coalition
Close, Kristin Page-Nei
Hilary Gee Goeckner, MSW, Senior State & Local; Campaigns Manager – Access to Care, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
Jack Hensold, MD, Medical Oncologist, Consultant, Montana Cancer Coalition
Kristin Page-Nei, Montana Government Relations Director, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
Marielena Mata, Ph.D., Senior Director and Diagnostics Lead, Pfizer
Thank you to our partner co-hosts!