
Nueva York Press Releases

1 de Marzo de 2025

Statement on the Death of Dr. Hazel Dukes

A statement from Michael Davoli, senior government relations director in New York for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, on the passing of Dr. Hazel Dukes, President of the NAACP New York State Conference.

23 de Enero de 2025

Community Leaders to NYC Council: ‘Enough is Enough,’ Vote to End Sale of Menthol Cigarettes

This morning, NYC Councilmember Rita Joseph hosted a press conference at City Hall in conjunction with the No More Menthols NYC coalition to promote the importance of her groundbreaking proposal to end the sale of menthol cigarettes. Councilmember Joseph stood alongside civil rights, religious and community leaders from the NAACP, Arc of Justice, African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council and more, to send a resounding message to the NYC Council: though Big Tobacco remains committed to addicting New Yorkers to menthol cigarettes, advocates will continue to fight to save lives and lungs from the harms of menthols. Enough is enough.

16 de Enero de 2025

Activistas de la lucha contra el cáncer esperan que la gobernadora Hochul aborde las preocupaciones sobre los costos a lo largo del continuo del cáncer en el presupuesto ejecutivo 2025-26

La siguiente es una declaración del Director Senior de Relaciones Gubernamentales de Nueva York de la Red de Acción Contra el Cáncer de la Sociedad Americana Contra el Cáncer (ACS CAN, por sus siglas en inglés), Michael Davoli:

“Tras el discurso sobre la situación del Estado de la Gobernadora Hochul a principios de esta semana, donde en contadas ocasiones se mencionaron el acceso y los costos de la atención médica, los defensores de los pacientes tienen la esperanza de que la gobernadora priorice los bajos costos de la atención médica en su propuesta de presupuesto ejecutivo para el año fiscal 2025-26.

8 de Enero de 2025

Patient Navigation Could Help NYC Achieve Goal of Reducing Cancer Deaths by 20% by 2030

The following is a statement from American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) New York City Senior Government Relations Director Michael Davoli:

“Late last year, Mayor Adams laid out a goal of reducing deaths from cancers that can be detected early through routine screening by 20% by 2030. His HealthyNYC initiative might be viewed as overly ambitious but we at ACS CAN believe it is possible to achieve, should city leaders look in the right direction. Patient navigation is that right direction. It is one of the most promising solutions towards achieving this goal, and cancer survivors throughout the city are eager to see it actualized by the Adams administration through an improvement in New Yorkers’ access to patient navigation.

19 de Diciembre de 2024

Bill Aiming to End the Sale of Menthol Cigarettes to Be Introduced in NYC Council

Public health and civil rights advocates celebrate the revival of the effort to end the sale of menthol cigarettes in New York City, coming later today when City Councilmember Rita Joseph will introduce legislation to reduce the heavy toll of menthol cigarettes on New Yorkers’ lives and lungs. Intro 1152 would prohibit the more than 5,000 licensed tobacco retailers in New York City from selling menthol cigarettes. The legislation is being championed by No More Menthols NYC-- a diverse, citywide campaign of civil rights and health advocates, including community groups, faith leaders, public health organizations and others.

19 de Noviembre de 2024

Un nuevo informe destaca las desigualdades en el consumo de mentol y las enfermedades relacionadas con el tabaco, lo que impulsa llamados a poner fin a la venta de cigarrillos mentolados en la ciudad de Nueva York

Nuevos datos del informe del Director General de Salud Pública de los Estados Unidos sobre las desigualdades relacionadas con el tabaco revelan que el diseño y la comercialización agresiva de productos de tabaco aromatizado, incluidos los cigarrillos mentolados, han impulsado las inequidades de salud relacionadas con el tabaco, reavivando los llamados en la ciudad de Nueva York para poner fin a la venta de cigarrillos mentolados.