What is the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT)?
Created by Texans, CPRIT’s goal is to expedite innovation in cancer research and product development, and to enhance access to evidence-based prevention programs throughout the state. CPRIT carries out its three-part mission established by the Legislature:
Invest in the research prowess of Texas universities and research organizations.
Create and expand life science infrastructure across the state.
Expedite innovation in research and enhance the potential of breakthroughs in prevention and cures.
Texas Legislature and Voters Have Made Our State a Leader in the Fight Against Cancer
The Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas was created in 2007 when Texans voted to invest $3 billion in a historic fight against cancer. Texas voters reaffirmed their support in 2019, when they overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment to provide an additional $3 billion, making CPRIT a $6 billion, 20-year initiative. Texas is the largest state funder of cancer research in the nation, and the second largest in the world.
CPRIT Brings a Large Return on Investment to Texas
The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas plays a crucial role in the war on cancer. Through its operations, screening/prevention efforts, and research programs, CPRIT is helping reduce the extremely high human and economic costs of cancer. CPRIT is also generating a sizable economic stimulus from all of its efforts including almost $23.8 billion in output and 201,911 jobs in 2023.
Moreover, the Institute’s efforts to improve outcomes related to cancer prevention and treatment can lead to a significant reduction in cancer incidence and severity over time and be a catalyst to biomedical development in Texas. It is far less expensive to screen for cancer and treat it in its early stages. Not only are treatment expenses likely to be lower for early-stage diagnoses, but also morbidity and mortality losses are reduced.
Every $1 spent through CPRIT for screening and prevention leads to $27.82 in treatment cost savings and resulting economic benefits through earlier detection. Texas can and must continue this historic cost and life-saving legacy.
Click the map below to learn more about how CPRIT is supporting projects in your community!
ACS CAN is making cancer a top priority for public officials and candidates at the federal, state, and local levels. ACS CAN empowers advocates across the country to make their voices heard and influence evidence-based public policy change as well as legislative and regulatory solutions that will reduce the cancer burden. As the American Cancer Society’s nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy affiliate, ACS CAN is critical to the fight for a world without cancer. For more information, please visit www.fightcancer.org.
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