Chris Hansen, ACS CAN President

ACS CAN President Lisa Lacasse shares her views on the impact of advocacy on the cancer fight.


A Win For Consumers!

February 10, 2012

YesterdayŠ—'s health policy news out of Washington is something to celebrate! The administration released its final rule late yesterday morning on an important provision in the Affordable Care Act, known as the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) provision. This rule defines the standard information that health insurers must provide to consumers about the benefits offered in their plans. At last, consumers will be presented with health coverage options that are easy to understand.

Starting in September, just in time for open enrollment periods when consumers are considering their plan options for 2013, insurers will be required to distribute brief, comprehensible information about their health plans that include real-world examples of what a plan would cover if, for instance, you are pregnant or managing diabetes. ACS CAN strongly supports adding an example of someone diagnosed with cancer, but for now cancer patients, survivors and their families are in a far better position to make important decisions about their health coverage. Here is a sample of what this document could look like for you.

ACS CAN volunteers and staff are excited about the strength of the final rule. The White House received more than 3,000 communications from our dedicated volunteers back in December insisting that consumers need access to comprehensible information to be able to make the most educated decisions they can about their coverage. Also, ACS CAN, together with AARP, the American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association and Consumers Union, sent a letter to the president in January, urging strong implementation of the SBC provision. How do you think this will enhance your experience purchasing health insurance? I would love to hear your thoughts!