Blog posts tagged "Affordable Care Act"
June 26, 2020
We will remain steadfast in our advocacy nationwide to ensure individuals that have been and continue to be marginalized are able to access health care without fear of discrimination, bias or stigma.
March 19, 2020
If there was ever a time to recognize the necessity of expanding access to meaningful health coverage, it’s now.
May 14, 2013
Actress Angelina Jolie published an op-ed in the New York Times today that has caught the eye of the cancer community nationwide.
January 23, 2013
That's why ACS CAN conducted a poll in key states across the country to find out how the public feels about this issue. The results released today show that registered voters in these key states: Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico and Texas, want their state to accept federal funds that are available to broaden access to health coverage through Medicaid.
September 25, 2012
I'm happy to share that starting this week, insurers are required under the Affordable Care Act to present every consumer with a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC), a document with simple and easy-to-read information on what their plan covers and how much it costs.
March 29, 2012
Imagine that you dropped your car off at a service station for what you thought was a free oil change. You return an hour later to be informed that while the service was underway a small problem was found and repaired (with no input from you), and you now owe $250. How would you take this news? This is the predicament that a number of people face every day due to an oversight in existing Medicare regulations.
February 22, 2012
As the second anniversary of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) approaches, we decided it was a good time to check in with the call center specialists at the American Cancer Society's National Cancer Information Center (NCIC) to ask them how one aspect of the law the new Pre-existing Condition Insurance Programs (PCIPs) is impacting people with cancer.
December 15, 2011
The phrase an ounce of prevention saves lives and money means a lot to me and my family. My wife and I are diligent about talking with our doctors and ensuring we are getting the necessary cancer screenings. All Americans deserve access to these lifesaving tests and other cancer prevention measures, but a public health fund designed to do just that is in jeopardy.
October 27, 2011
Today at 2pm eastern time, our own Erin Reidy, ACS CAN's associate director of policy, will answer your questions about Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plans (PCIPs). These plans, which are in effect in states across the country, provide adults who have been uninsured for at least 6 months because they were denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition with access to quality, affordable health care. I invite you to join or follow along with the chat here.