California Ambassador YES on Prop 31 Hub


Yes on Prop #

Welcome to the ACS CAN California Yes on Prop 31 hub.  

Your one stop shop for all the resources and information you need to help protect kids and marginalized communities and pass Prop. 31.

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Breaking News!! 
The campaign is holding events open to the press in every major city across the state with coalition partners to make sure Californians know to vote YES on Prop 31. Please register to attend the event nearest you

YES on 31 Bus Tour Flyer

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California is once again fighting Big Tobacco to keep our kids safe and healthy. Vote YES on Prop 31 to protect the next generation from getting lured into a lifelong addiction to nicotine with candy-flavored and minty-menthol tobacco products.

Big Tobacco is trying to overturn the bipartisan California law that protects children from getting hooked on candy-flavored e-cigarettes, cheap sweet cigars, and minty-menthol cigarettes.

  • Why? Because Big Tobacco knows hiding dangerous and addictive nicotine products behind candy flavors preferred by kids, like root beer, blue raspberry, bubblegum, and minty menthol, is a sure way to get kids hooked into a lifetime of addiction.

Big Tobacco Uses Candy Flavors to Hook Kids Big Tobacco has spent millions on lobbying so California retailers could keep selling the candyflavored products they market to children. Big spending from Big Tobacco is why youth e-cigarette use has skyrocketed to what the Surgeon General and FDA have called “epidemic” levels.

● More than 2 MILLION middle and high school students now use e-cigarettes

● 4 out of 5 kids who have used tobacco started with a flavored product.

● 70% of youth e-cigarette users say they use e-cigarettes “because they come in flavors I like”

E-cigarettes deliver massive doses of nicotine, a highly addictive drug that puts youth users at greater risk for addiction and is especially harmful to kids. It can harm adolescent brain development and impact their attention, mood, and impulse control. A YES vote on Prop 31 will help keep California kids from getting hooked on nicotine. Big Tobacco Preys on Black Communities At a time when racism has been declared a public health crisis, we need to also call out the racist practices of big tobacco. For more than 60 years the tobacco industry has intentionally targeted the Black community – and other communities of color – hooking generations of Black youth on mintysweet menthol cigarettes and other candy-flavored tobacco products, and profiting off addiction, disease and death.

● In the 1950s, fewer than 10% of Black Americans who smoked used menthols. Today, 85% of Black smokers use minty menthols. 

Thank you for being a part of our campaign.

California State Lead Kay Coleman  & Your California Grassroots Team (Mary & Spencer)

Paid for by American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc.