2025 New Jersey Legislative Priorities
Victory in the fight against cancer requires bold new public policies that promote cancer prevention, early detection of cancer, and expand access to quality, affordable health care. Lawmakers make many decisions that impact the lives of New Jersey residents impacted by cancer and their leadership is vital to defeating this disease. In 2025 the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) will work with the New Jersey Legislature on legislative and regulatory efforts that provide affordable, adequate access to biomarker testing, ensure adequate appropriations funding for lifesaving cancer screening programs, and enact prevention policies that help people who use tobacco products quit and deter kids from ever using tobacco products. We will be making the following fact-based policies a priority and ask for your support:
Ensuring Access to Quality Care
Access to Biomarker Testing: ACS CAN will advocate for improved coverage of comprehensive biomarker testing. Progress in improving cancer outcomes increasingly involves the use of precision medicine, which uses information about a person’s own genes or proteins to prevent, diagnose or treat diseases like cancer. Biomarker testing is an important step to accessing precision medicine which includes targeted therapies that can lead to improved survivorship and better quality of life for
cancer patients, but insurance coverage for biomarker testing is failing to keep pace with innovations and advancements in treatment. -
Medication Access: ACS CAN will advocate for legislation that ensures prior authorization and step therapy requirements for prescription drugs are clear, efficient, and patient-friendly while also allowing for exceptions when appropriate.
Affordable, Adequate Health Insurance: ACS CAN will advocate for policies that ensure access to quality, affordable and comprehensive health insurance, including Medicaid, and will support efforts to curb the availability of inadequate health plans.
Prescription Drug Affordability: ACS CAN supports legislation that restricts the use of so-called copay accumulator adjustments in health insurance plans. We will advocate for policies that ensure third party prescription drug copay assistance is counted toward patients’ out-of-pocket cost obligations.
Expand Patient Navigation Services: Patient navigators have been shown to help increase cancer screening rates among historically marginalized racial and ethnic populations by providing access to disease prevention education, conducting community outreach, and facilitating public education campaigns. ACS CAN will advocate for legislation that will reimburse patient navigation services through Medicaid, state plan amendments that would authorize targeted case management through a cancer diagnosis, state appropriations to provide patient navigation services to cancer patients, and the development, adoption, and promotion of patient navigation certification and training programs.
Ending Medical Debt: ACS CAN recognizes the impact of medical debt on people with cancer, caregivers, and their families.
In addition to supporting policies that ensure affordable access to comprehensive healthcare coverage, ACS CAN will
advocate for policies that prevent the occurrence of medical debt and reduce the impact of incurred medical debt on
individuals and families.
Reducing the Toll of Tobacco
Permanently Close the Casino Loophole in the New Jersey Smoke-Free Air Act: New Jersey’s casinos remain the only places exempted from New Jersey’s Smoke-Free Air Act. This puts the health of the 22,000 employees at New Jersey’s casinos at risk in addition to the casino patrons. By a 2-to-1 margin New Jersey voters support prohibiting indoor smoking in NJ casinos and 7-in-10 New Jersey voters would prefer to visit a smoke-free casino. ACS CAN will advocate for the passage of legislation that will permanently close the loophole that allows smoking, including casinos.
Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Funding: ACS CAN will work to increase funding for fact-based, statewide tobacco prevention and cessation programs. ACS CAN will seek to dedicate 3% of the cigarette tax revenue to tobacco control and prevention to increase the resources available to reduce tobacco use in New Jersey
Cancer Prevention and Early Detection
Access to Cancer Screenings: ACS CAN will advocate to maintain funding of $5 million for the NJCEED Program, the state’s cancer screening program for low-income uninsured and underinsured women administered by the New Jersey Department of Health.
Prostate Cancer: ACS CAN will advocate for all insurance plans, including traditional Medicaid, to provide a comprehensive benefit for evidence-based prostate cancer preventive care and screenings, without cost sharing.
New Jersey State Commission on Cancer Research (NJCCR): For more than 30 years, NJCCR has funded promising cancer research in New Jersey. NJCCR promotes significant and original research in New Jersey into causes, prevention, treatment, and palliation of cancer and serves as a resource to providers and consumers of cancer services. ACS CAN will advocate that New Jersey maintain the $4 million in funding for the NJCCR in Fiscal Year 2025-26.
Cancer Research Funding
New Jersey State Commission on Cancer Research (NJCCR): For more than 30 years, NJCCR has funded promising cancer research in New Jersey. NJCCR promotes significant and original research in New Jersey into causes, prevention, treatment, and palliation of cancer and serves as a resource to providers and consumers of cancer services. ACS CAN will advocate that New Jersey maintain the $4 million in funding for the NJCCR in Fiscal Year 2024-25.
For more information, contact: Quinton Law, New Jersey Government Relations Director ACS CAN at [email protected]
ACS CAN is making cancer a top priority for public officials and candidates at the federal, state, and local levels. ACS CAN empowers advocates across the country to make their voices heard and influence evidence-based public policy change as well as legislative and regulatory solutions that will reduce the cancer burden. As the American Cancer Society’s nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy affiliate, ACS CAN is critical to the fight for a world without cancer. For more information, please visit www.fightcancer.org.