This site is your one-stop to locate all the necessary resources to prepare for your participation in successful a Cancer Action Day on February 24. If you have any questions at any time, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Maryland Grassroots Manager, Anja Aniere, at [email protected] or 240-277-0310.
2025 Cancer Action Day
February 24, 2025
4:00pm - 8:00 pm
Pre-event training will take place at The Maryland Inn in the Duke of Gloucester room, 16 Church Circle.
Legislator meetings will take place between the Senate and House Office Buildings:
Annapolis, MD 21401
Annapolis, MD 2140
Pre-event Training:
- We held a virtual pre-event training on February 16 at 6pm. If you missed the training, please watch the recording here.
Day of Information:
Parking: Street and garage parking is available.
Closest to furthest parking options:
- Noah Hillman Garage (3 min walk) 150 Gorman St, Annapolis, MD 21401 ·
- Gott Street Garage (7 min walk) 25 Northwest Street
- South Street Lot ( 3 min walk) 60 West St #106
Parking is reimbursable. Please make an effort to carpool.
Registration & Legislative Briefing: Registration will be from 4:00 – 4:30pm in Duke of Gloucester room located at the Maryland Inn (16 Church Circle).
Legislator meeting training will begin at 4:30pm. We have a packed agenda and important information to share, so please be on time!
Legislative Visits: We will be making appointments with your legislators on your behalf based on the address provided during registration. You will be placed in a team and each team will be assigned a team captain. I will be notifying the team captains and providing them with their schedule prior to the event. If your lawmaker is not available to meet, you will drop off materials at their office.
Pictures: When you meet with your legislators at the Capitol, please have someone take your picture with them. Please send your pictures to Anja at 240-277-0310 and post to social media using the hashtag #MDCAD25.
Attire: Attire is business casual, please wear blue. We will have blue and white ACS CAN scarves and backpacks at registration. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes for walking.
Food/Refreshments: Light snacks, coffee, and beverages will be provided throughout the event to keep you energized and refreshed. Feel free to grab a bite and enjoy some coffee during breaks!
After the Event:
Hashtag for the event: #MDCAD25