
2024 South Carolina Legislative Summary

Victory in the fight against cancer requires bold new public policies that promote cancer prevention, early detection of cancer, and expand access to quality, affordable health care. Lawmakers often make decisions that affect the lives of South Carolinians impacted by cancer and their leadership is vital to defeating this disease.

In 2024 the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) worked with the South Carolina General Assembly on legislative efforts that provide affordable, adequate access to health insurance including Medicaid, ensure adequate funding for lifesaving cancer screening and prevention programs, and enact prevention policies to protect kids from tobacco products and help support those who are trying to quit. 

Ensuring Access to Quality Care

Medicaid Expansion: ACS CAN advocated for passage of the Healthcare Marketplace Study Committee that would have analyzed the impact of expanding Medicaid in South Carolina.  Unfortunately, the Governor vetoed the proviso, and the study committee will not convene.  ACS CAN is a leader of the CoverSC Medicaid Expansion coalition and will advocate for full Medicaid expansion in 2025.

Cancer Prevention and Early Detection

Breast and Cervical Cancer: ACS CAN advocated to maintain $1 million in funding for the Best Chance Network of South Carolina, the state breast and cervical cancer screening program for uninsured and underinsured women administered by the South Carolina Department of Public Health.

Colorectal Cancer: ACS CAN worked to increase funding for colorectal cancer screening, treatment, and patient navigation programs by $1 million bringing the total funding for the program to $2 million annually.  Additionally, ACS CAN will work to ensure health plans cover colorectal cancer screening beginning at age 45 in accordance with updated American Cancer Society and United States Preventive Services Task Force guidelines and ensure patients are not charged for colonoscopies that follow a positive stool-based test.

Prostate Cancer: The higher incidence and mortality rates for Black men for prostate cancer are exceptionally concerning. ACS CAN supported improving prostate screening rates and reducing disparities by advocating for appropriate screening measures.  We supported the General Assembly providing a one time funding of $2 million to promote the education and awareness of prostate cancer screening and education.

Reducing the Toll of Tobacco

Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Funding: ACS CAN worked to increase funding for fact-based, statewide tobacco prevention and cessation programs by $1 million provided to SmokeFreeSC, the state-wide tobacco free coalition.  This is in additional to the current $5 million provided to the South Carolian Department of Health Division of Tobacco for prevention and control.  Increasing funding will allow the program to build strong local coalitions in preparation for local ordinances that will impact tobacco prevention and cessation.


For more information, contact: Beth Johnson, South Carolina Government Relations Director ACS CAN | [email protected] | 843-858-2310

ACS CAN is making cancer a top priority for public officials and candidates at the federal, state, and local levels. ACS CAN empowers advocates across the country to make their voices heard and influence evidence-based public policy change as well as legislative and regulatory solutions that will reduce the cancer burden. As the American Cancer Society’s nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy affiliate, ACS CAN is critical to the fight for a world without cancer. For more information, please visit