
Updates matching "Tobacco Regulation and Products"

August 9, 2010

ACS and ACS CAN, along with other health partners, filed a friend of the court brief in the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit to help uphold critical tobacco control advertising restrictions contained in the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (FSPTCA). Our brief argues that the court

November 30, 2009

ACS, ACS CAN and other health partners filed as friends of the court to rebut arguments in the tobacco industry's lawsuit against the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (FSPTCA). FSPTCA provides the Food and Drug Administration authority to regulate tobacco products.

November 19, 2009

Today marks another milestone. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is celebrating the 34th Great American Smokeout by urging state and local lawmakers to support comprehensive smoke-free legislation and push for higher state tobacco tax increases. The Great American Smokeout began more that 30 years ago for

October 28, 2009

On October 28, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg signed a bill banning the sale of flavored tobacco products. The ban applies to cigars, little cigars and smokeless tobacco and includes all flavors except for menthol, mint, and wintergreen. This is the first bill of its kind and goes further

October 2, 2009

ACS CAN has submitted comments on priority issues we hope the FDA will address in the coming months as it implements the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. The FDA has issued a request that interested parties submit comments by December 28, 2009.ξ The request is intended to "Š—_provide

October 1, 2009

Before the ink was dry on the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act granting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration the authority to regulate tobacco products and the marketing of those products, the industry filed a lawsuit challenging several provisions. Lorillard, RJ Reynolds and others sued on August 31

September 30, 2009

The first steps by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in implementing The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act have already started and ACS CAN will continue to be a strong advocate for enforcing the law and ensuring that our kids are protected from Big Tobacco. On September

June 22, 2009

Today marks a major victory for public health! After a decade long fight, a bill that would grant FDA authority to regulate tobacco products is finally being signed into law today by President Barack Obama. The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act will ban the production of candy- and

June 12, 2009

It is my great pleasure to share the news that the Congress has passed the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, and that the President will soon sign it into law. The bill, which gives the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the authority to regulate the manufacture, marketing, and sale of tobacco products, was passed by the Senate yesterday in a bipartisan vote of 79 to 17 and was approved by the House today in another lopsided vote of 307-97.