
Updates matching "Tobacco Regulation and Products"

August 15, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. August 15, 2013 A majority of states are not measuring up on legislative solutions that prevent and fight cancer, according to a new report released today by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN). As the changing health care landscape presents new opportunities to prevent a

August 12, 2013

How does your state measure up in the fight against cancer? Our annual report - now in its 11th year - reports the progress of every state on key cancer issues.

July 23, 2013

WASHINGTON, DC -- July 23, 2013 -- "The Food and Drug Administration report issued today affirms previous scientific evidence that menthol flavoring in cigarettes makes it harder to quit and encourages kids to take up the habit -- findings that necessitate a ban on menthol cigarettes. "The report confirms the

June 7, 2013
New York

Statement by Blair Horner, vice president of advocacy for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) on legislation, S. 5686, introduced by Senator Patty Ritchie:

May 31, 2013
New York

A new analysis by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) released for World No Tobacco Day spotlights a dangerous trend in tobacco marketing.

March 6, 2013

In 1998, 46 states, including Oregon, and the tobacco companies entered into a $221 billion settlement to compensate states for past and future smoking-related expenditures. Since then, Oregon has received over $1 billion in settlement funds which unfortunately have been used for things such as debt service and budget shortfalls.

February 27, 2013
New York

The U.S. District Court ruling that upheld New York City’s ban on the sale of flavored tobacco products is an important win in the fight against cancer.

December 17, 2012

A U.S. District Judge has ruled that tobacco companies deliberately deceived Americans about the health dangers of cigarettes.ξ Now, Judge Gladys Kessler is ordering Big Tobacco to be honest and provide truthful information about their deadly products. Your American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network has been at the forefront of

June 21, 2012
New York

Statement from Russ Sciandra, NYS Director of Advocacy, American Cancer Society of NY & NJ, regarding passage of a bill that prohibits the sale of e-cigarettes to minors. “E-cigarettes are marketed as a “safe alternative” to tobacco and are sold in kid friendly fruit and candy flavors,