
Updates matching "Tobacco Control"

March 11, 2023
New York

BUFFALO, NY –MARCH 11, 2023 – As budget discussions among state legislators pick up speed at the Capitol, Erie County religious, health and community leaders are set to rally alongside cancer patients and survivors on Monday, March 13. Following the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network’s (ACS CAN) release of

March 10, 2023
New York

BUFFALO, NY—MARCH 8, 2023— Utilizing data from the New York State Cancer Registry, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) released data showing the devastating impact that cancers linked to tobacco have on New Yorkers, specifically those living in Erie County: Between 2015-2019, 46,417 people on average

March 9, 2023

Advocates lobby against Lamont’s prposed cut to funding to lifesaving tobacco control program.

March 9, 2023

On behalf of cancer patients, survivors and their families, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is pleased to see the president’s continued focus and dedication to achieving the goal of the Cancer Moonshot, to end cancer as we know it.

March 7, 2023
South Carolina

COLUMBIA, SC –March 7, 2023  – Late last week, Sen. McElveen, Sen. Kimpson, and Sen. Senn signed their names to defer a bill that would take away the power of all localities in the state to pass laws that regulate the sale of tobacco products from the typical legislative process

March 2, 2023
West Virginia

The West Virginia House introduced a budget that fails to prioritize reducing West Virginia’s high tobacco burden.

February 24, 2023

INDIANAPOLIS, IN – “Yesterday, the Indiana House passed a budget that fails to prioritize reducing Indiana’s high tobacco burden. State representatives missed an opportunity to improve Hoosier health by reducing tobacco use, leaving out fact-based policies on the leading cause of preventable death in Indiana. “If Indiana is going

February 10, 2023

Earlier this week, Governor Lamont gave his annual state budget address which proposed to slash funding to many life-saving cancer prevention and control programs, including a 50% cut over the next two years to the state’s Tobacco Health and Trust Fund (CTHTF).

February 7, 2023
South Carolina

COLUMBIA, SC – February 7, 2022 – At the pressure of Big Tobacco and its allies, lawmakers are once again moving quickly with a proposal that would endanger the health of our children by taking away the freedom of cities and counties to pass policies stronger than the state law