Prevention and Cessation


Our work to reduce tobacco use has led to funding for highly successful quitlines and youth programs that educate children about the perils of using tobacco, including cigarettes, hookah and e-cigarettes. 

These programs will help prevent children from starting a deadly tobacco addiction and help more adults quit. 

Smoking rates are at their lowest levels in decades, with 1.9 percent of high school kids and 11.5 percent of adults smoking cigarettes.

Latest Updates

May 17, 2024

Statement from American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) Missouri Government Relations Director Emily Kalmer JEFFERSON CITY, M o. – “As lawmakers close the 2024 legislative session, their record on improving cancer policy is decidedly mixed for the estimated 39,120 Missourians who will be

April 26, 2024

In 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released proposed rules to eliminate menthol flavoring in cigarettes and all flavors in cigars. Almost two years later, the public health community is still waiting for the FDA to finalize these lifesaving rules. This inaction only benefits Big Tobacco, who continues

March 27, 2024
New York

ALBANY, NY - 27 DE MARZO DE 2024 - Funcionarios electos se unieron hoy a sobrevivientes de cáncer, defensores de los derechos de los pacientes y líderes de salud pública para resaltar las oportunidades que se presentan en el presupuesto del año fiscal 2024-25 para a ayudar a más

March 27, 2024
New York

ALBANY, NY – MARCH 27, 2024 – Earlier today, elected officials stood alongside cancer survivors, patient advocates and public health leaders to highlight opportunities in the 2024-25 FY budget aimed at helping more New Yorkers prevent cancer, detect it early and alleviate its burden on families. Advocates with and

Prevention and Cessation Resources

This joint statement from a consortium of public health organizations sets forth aspirational principles to help local and state health departments, decisionmakers, advocates, and other stakeholders advance equitable enforcement practices related to the purchase, possession, sale, and distribution of all tobacco products. These principles can also help address tobacco addiction and reduce tobacco-related harms while maintaining and improving the efficacy of enforcement of commercial tobacco laws and policies.

Los saborizantes son un arma de mercadotecnia que utilizan los fabricantes del tabaco para dirigir a los adolescentes y adultos jóvenes en general hacia una adicción de por vida. El uso de cualquier producto de tabaco saborizado en los jóvenes es preocupante porque los expone a toda una vida de adicción a la nicotina, enfermedades y muerte prematura.
