
Updates matching "Patient Quality of Life"

February 1, 2014
Rhode Island

When Palliative Care/Quality of Life Legislation was signed into law on July 11, 2013, Rhode Island became the state leading the nation in palliative care progress.

January 15, 2014

We have the opportunity to make life easier for thousands of Massachusetts residents living with cancer. Palliative care provides an extra layer of support to cancer patients and sees the person beyond their treatment. It brings trained specialists together with doctors and nurses in a team-based approach to manage

November 26, 2013

Interested in getting involved in our cancer advocacy work? Volunteers are the real power behind our campaigns. Your stories and personal experiences let our lawmakers know how important it is to make fighting cancer a top legislative priority. We work hard to support legislation that helps cancer patients and their

September 10, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. September 10, 2013 More than 600 cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, their families, and staff from all 50 states and nearly every congressional district will unite on Capitol Hill today to ask their members of Congress to make the fight against cancer a national priority. The American Cancer Society

August 30, 2013

Dick Woodruff, ACS CAN Vice President of Federal Relations, was quoted in an ABC News story highlighting palliative care. ξThe article reflects on Nelson Mandela's use of palliative care as part of his treatment and the role it can play for all patients with serious diseases. Read the article

August 15, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. August 15, 2013 A majority of states are not measuring up on legislative solutions that prevent and fight cancer, according to a new report released today by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN). As the changing health care landscape presents new opportunities to prevent a

August 12, 2013

How does your state measure up in the fight against cancer? Our annual report - now in its 11th year - reports the progress of every state on key cancer issues.

June 5, 2013

New Report: Kentucky Needs Improvement in Enacting Pain Management Policies for Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases Nationwide, Most States Have Improved Pain Policies Since 2008 [Frankfort, KY] - [June 4, 2013] - Kentucky needs improvement in enacting policies that enhance

June 4, 2013

WASHINGTON, DC A growing number of states are enacting policy measures that promote the delivery of effective pain management, according to a report released today. Over almost a decade, states have made considerable progress in enacting policies that enhance access to pain care, including the use of pain medications,