
Updates matching "Increased Access to Medicaid"

June 23, 2021

Jefferson City, MO - June 23, 2021 - Today, the Cole County circuit court ruled against the plaintiffs in the lawsuit that would force the state to implement expanded eligibility for Medicaid. Cancer patients cannot wait for further legal battles to access the lifesaving

June 22, 2021

AUSTIN, TX – June 22, 2021 – With the deadline to sign passing, Gov. Abbott has allowed bill (HB 3924) into law that would create new non-insurance coverage through the Texas Farm Bureau -- allowing the sale of inadequate health plans that are exempt from state insurance regulation

June 17, 2021

The nation’s leading patient advocacy groups are praising the U.S. Supreme Court ruling today upholding the health care law known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Court ruled the plaintiff states and taxpayers did not have standing to bring the suit.

June 10, 2021
North Carolina

RALEIGH, NC – June 10, 2021 – A new study from the American Cancer Society released by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) shows the lifesaving impact increasing access t o Medicaid has on cancer survivorship. The study finds that patients with cancer living in

June 10, 2021

MONTOMGERY, AL – MAY 20, 2021 – A new study from the American Cancer Society released by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) shows the lifesaving impact increasing access t o Medicaid has on cancer survivorship. The study finds that patients with cancer living

June 1, 2021

The Biden administration released its budget for FY 22 late last week. Included in the budget is an additional $9 billion in funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), including $6.5 for the creation of a new department within the NIH called the Advanced Research Project Agency on Health (ARPA-H).

May 20, 2021

A new study from the American Cancer Society released by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) shows the lifesaving impact increasing access t o Medicaid has on cancer survivorship.

May 20, 2021

Today, a lawsuit was filed in Cole County to force the state to implement Medicaid expansion. Please see the following statement from American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Missouri Government Relations Director Emily Kalmer. "Access to health insurance is key in the fight against cancer. These plaintiffs are just three

May 13, 2021

Statement from American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) Government Relations Director Emily Kalmer Jefferson City, MO - "Earlier this year, during his state of the state address, Gov. Parson committed to upholding the will of Missouri voters by funding Medicaid expansion. The legislature has ignored the governor's