Oral Chemotherapy


Imagine the choice for a cancer patient - stay at home and take a chemotherapy pill or travel miles from home to receive the drug through an IV. Seems easy, right? Unfortunately, many cancer patients are denied that simple choice because insurance companies can charge patients more for taking a pill while sitting at their own kitchen table than going to a doctor's office with receptionists, nurses and other overhead costs. 

We're working in states across the country and in Congress to pass laws requiring insurance companies to charge the same for chemotherapy pills as they do for an IV. Not only will these laws increase access to these lifesaving drugs for cancer patients, they will also improve patient quality of life. 

ACS CAN has helped pass laws in 42 states to improve chemotherapy choices for cancer patients.

Latest Updates

May 24, 2023

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is thrilled to see the House pass oral chemotherapy fairness legislation today. ACS CAN wants to take this moment to thank Rep. Samantha Steckloff for supporting and sponsoring this legislation, as well as for sharing her personal experience with cancer.

March 16, 2023

Michigan Must Do Better to Reduce the Burden of Cancer