Palliative Care


Most Americans and even many doctors have it wrong.  Palliative care is not just about end of life care.   

Palliative care services support patients from the point of diagnosis, throughout treatment and beyond. 

Palliative care is coordinated patient care that treats the patient as well as the disease.  It provides cancer patients and their caregivers an extra layer of support, making available a team of experts focused on relieving pain, managing emotional stress and other supportive services. 

This care improves the quality of life of cancer patients and cancer survivors, saving lives and reducing health care costs. 

Take Action

patient and doctor

Congress: Pass PCHETA And Help Improve The Quality Of Life For Cancer Patients

Ask your Members of Congress to support PCHETA to improve the quality of life for patients of all ages living with cancer, as well as their families and caregivers.

"Life keeps going."

Ella knows cancer all too well. Diagnosed with leukemia at just age 11, she spent her entire teenage years in cancer treatment. Years later, she tragically lost her mom to cancer.

On June 21, Ella was one of 51 advocates from across 26 states to attend the 8 th...

Latest Updates

March 28, 2024
South Dakota

SJR 501, passed with little in the way of discussion or specifics, will be placed on the November ballot as Amendment F. ACS CAN will be part of a broad coalition of health advocacy groups opposed as similar programs in other Medicaid Expansion states have accomplished little other than stripping health care from those most in need.

March 21, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C.— March 21, 2024 — Today, Congress released a series of spending bills aimed to finalize FY2024 funding that includes a $300 million increase in funding for the National Health Institute (NIH) base budget, including a $120 million increase in discretionary funding for the National Cancer Institute (NCI), a modest $500,000 increase for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cancer screening and prevention programs and maintains the current funding level for the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) at $1.5 billion.

February 23, 2024
South Dakota

PIERRE, South Dakota – February 23, 2024 -- The South Dakota Legislature today approved legislation that will help facilitate improved access to palliative care. Once signed by Gov. Kristi Noem, this bill will allow the state’s healthcare providers to better serve those who are in need of this crucial service.

December 20, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Early this morning Congress released a proposed FY 2023 funding deal that includes an increase of $2.5 billion for biomedical research funding at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), $408 million more for cancer research at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and provides a funding boost to cancer

Palliative Care Resources

This table lists key studies and review articles that examine the effect that the addition of palliative care has on overall patient costs. While results vary, the addition of palliative care typically either reduces overall costs or is cost neutral.

In August-September 2019, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) — through its Survivor Views Project  — conducted a survey of cancer patients and survivors to determine whether they were asking for and getting appropriate palliative care treatment. 

This Survivor Views survey examined cancer symptoms and side effects, including pain, and use of palliative/ supportive services. Cancer survivors report many physical and emotional side effects during and after treatment, but use of solutions to address those symptoms is lagging.  Survivors prescribed opioids often encounter barriers to obtaining them.