Medicaid Covers US


Medicaid Covers US

Two million people in 10 states across the country are living without health insurance simply because they live in a state that has refused to expand Medicaid. These folks live in the “Medicaid Gap”, living sicker and dying younger than those with health insurance. 60% of people living in the coverage gap are people of color, left behind because leaders in those states are putting politics ahead of people. Medicaid Covers US is our campaign to promote Medicaid as one part of the solution to achieve health equity in the US. Health coverage is something we all need and we all deserve. It’s time to close the gap.

In Due Season

A film by award-winning director Ashley O’Shay made possible with support from the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network.

In Due Season captures America’s health care system at a crossroads, highlighting the stories of Black Americans impacted by the lack of Medicaid expansion in the American South. Learn more about the film.


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Is Your Medicaid Coverage At Risk?

Many people who were able to access Medicaid during the pandemic will soon be losing their health insurance. Since March 2020, Medicaid provided millions of Americans with consistent access to affordable health care, like lifesaving cancer screenings and regular doctor visits.  As state Medicaid agencies begin to process renewals again in the coming months, access to affordable health care will all but disappear for these individuals in some states.