
Updates matching "Vermont"

March 7, 2014

The mandatory federal budget cuts known as sequestration began in earnest last Friday night when the President issued a sequestration order as required under the Budget Control Act, resulting in a 5.1 percent cut to defense and non-defense discretionary spending, which includes funding for key cancer research, prevention, and early detection programs.

March 22, 2013

Policy Update ACS CAN National Forum on the Future of Health Care ACS CAN convened lawmakers, providers, insurers, patients, and other stakeholders Tuesday at its second annual National Forum on the Future of Health Care at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Speakers

March 22, 2013

State Update Minnesota Creates Exchange Capping a legislative journey that included 19 committee hearings and four floor debates, the Minnesota legislature on Monday passed legislation creating a state health insurance exchange, or marketplace. Governor Mark Dayton signed the bill at a ceremony Wednesday morning. The law authorizes the

February 25, 2013

Federal Update Medicare and Medicaid Fact Sheets for Deficit Reduction Debate On January 1, Congress agreed to a deal that temporarily averted the automatic tax increases and spending cuts that were scheduled to take effect. The legislation, the American Taxpayer Relief Act, only included minor spending

February 25, 2013

Policy Update CMS Sends FMAP Guidance to States The Centers on Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) sent a letter February 1 to state Medicaid directors providing guidance on the 1 percent increase in the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) for coverage of preventive services with no

February 25, 2013

State Update HHS Deadline for State Partnership Designation Approaching This Friday is the deadline for states that will not be running their own health insurance exchange to tell the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) whether they want to run a "partnership" exchange in cooperation with the

February 25, 2013

Policy Update Preventive Care Coverage On February 20, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Labor issued an FAQ which clarified the coverage of some cancer preventive services. The FAQ clarifies that if a polyp is found during a screening colonoscopy, insurers may not

February 25, 2013

Policy Update Preventive Care Coverage On February 20, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Labor issued an FAQ which clarified the coverage of some cancer preventive services. The FAQ clarifies that if a polyp is found during a screening colonoscopy, insurers may not

February 25, 2013

Policy Update CMS Sends FMAP Guidance to States The Centers on Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) sent a letter February 1 to state Medicaid directors providing guidance on the 1 percent increase in the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) for coverage of preventive services with no