
Updates matching "Vermont"

September 22, 2011

Federal Update Senate Committee Finalizes Health Funding Bill The Senate Appropriations Committee completed its work last night on its 2012 fiscal year (FY 2012) Labor-Health and Human Services (HHS) appropriations bill. Four Affordable Care Act (ACA) related amendments were offered. The first, and most

September 16, 2011

Federal Update Hearing on Repealing Grandfathered Plans and Medical Loss Ratio Provisions The House Energy and Commerce Committee Health Subcommittee held a hearing this afternoon focused on draft legislation that will be introduced soon to roll back consumer protections for plans designated as "grandfathered"

September 9, 2011

Litigation The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals today dismissed two challenges to the Affordable Care Act. In Commonwealth of

September 8, 2011

CELEBRATE WITH ACTION Celebrate With Action is coming! Mark your calendars for the week of September 18 when ACS CAN volunteers will rally in every corner of the country to call on Congress to protect and ultimately increase funding for

September 2, 2011

Affordable Care Act and the Budget While

September 2, 2011

Federal Update Prevention and Public Health Fund

August 18, 2011

Federal Update In the past week, the Administration issued four proposed

August 12, 2011

Federal Update Members appointed to the Bi-Cameral Deficit Reduction "Super Committee" On August 2 nd , Congress passed and the President signed S. 365, the Budget Control Act of 2011, before both Houses adjourned for the August recess. The legislation raised the debt ceiling

August 5, 2011

Federal Update Budget Control Act of 2011 Signed into Law This week Congress passed and the president signed into law the Budget Control Act of 2011. Under this plan, the debt limit will be increased by $2.1 to $2.4 trillion. This increase will occur over multiple stages, with