Garland Misses Opportunity to Protect All Citizens from Secondhand Smoke
GARLAND, Texas – The following statement was issued by a coalition of leading health organizations:
GARLAND, Texas – The following statement was issued by a coalition of leading health organizations:
Prior to this evening’s vote, Fort Worth was the only major city in Texas without an ordinance protecting citizens from exposure to secondhand smoke in all workplaces.
AUSTIN, Texas – With his signature, Gov. Greg Abbott on Friday helped ensure the state would continue leading the fight against cancer and that new life-saving treatments would be available to tens of thousands of Texans fighting this deadly disease.
Increasing the legal age of tobacco sales from 18 to 21 is an important step to reduce and eventually eliminate the toll of tobacco because an estimated 95 percent of smokers start before age 21.
Cancer patients trying to select the best health insurance plan through the market places continue to face challenges in determining prescription drug coverage and cost-sharing information in prospective coverage, according to analysis released today by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN).
Leaders in the Texas Legislature took bold action to protect kids from tobacco addiction and save lives by introducing bipartisan legislation to raise the sale age of tobacco products in the state to 21.
The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) will lose its state funding in 2021, unless the State Legislature decides to extend it.
States would likely face increased costs and cancer patients and survivors could face delayed preventive, diagnostic and curative care under alternative Medicaid financing models being considered by Congress. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) today sent a letter detailing the organization’s concerns to select governors...
They join 58 other Texas cities that have passed comprehensive smoke-free indoor workplace ordinances prohibiting smoking in enclosed workplaces and other public spaces to improve the health and quality of life for their communities.