
Updates matching "New Mexico"

November 6, 2013
New Mexico

Leadership volunteer for Congressional District 2, Karin Trujillo (pictured with Senator Tom Udall), was named an Unsung Hero of the year by the Valencia County News Bulletin!

October 4, 2013
New Mexico

We are excited to roll out the New Mexico Legislator Scorecard for the first year. See how YOUR state legislators voted on cancer issues! If you're not sure who your state representatives are, look here .

July 9, 2013
New Mexico

This year, Albuquerque will have the unique opportunity to participate in a landmark new cancer research study, the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Prevention Study-3 (CPS-3) , during the week of September 10-14. This study has the potential to shed new light on the causes of cancer, as well as

June 25, 2013
New Mexico

ACS CAN supports evidence-based policy and legislative solutions designed to eliminate cancer as a major health problem. Thanks to all of our wonderful and dedicated volunteers we were able accomplish the following: Protecting Cancer Patient Access to Pain Management ACS CAN members successfully opposed a bill that