
National Press Releases

July 16, 2018

ACS CAN Letter: Drug Pricing Policy Should Prioritize Patient Affordability

Today the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network submitted comments to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding proposals to reduce prescription drug costs outlined in the administration’s Request for Information (RFI) regarding its Blueprint to Lower Drug Prices and Reduce Out-of-Pocket Costs (blueprint).

July 12, 2018

House Committee Votes to Increase Medical Research Funding

The House Appropriations Committee approved its FY 2019 spending bill including a $1.25 billion funding increase for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and a $171 million funding boost for the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The bill also preserves funding for the CDC and Office on Smoking and Health (OSH)

June 29, 2018

Judge Halts Kentucky Medicaid Work Requirements

Today a federal judge ruled the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) failed to adequately consider how Kentucky’s proposed Medicaid work rules would effect residents’ access to health care as required under federal law. 

June 14, 2018

Patient Groups: Uphold Health Care Law As Congress Intended

Patient groups representing millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions filed an amicus curiae or friend of the court brief in the U.S. District Court case, Texas v. United States, citing the devastating impact patients would face should the court side with plaintiffs and move to invalidate the Affordable Care Act. 

May 15, 2018

Cancer Patients, Survivors, Caregivers and Volunteers Urge Congress to Increase Cancer Research Funding

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) volunteers will head to Capitol Hill today with over 100 other cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, physicians and researchers representing more than 50 cancer organizations to share poll results that show overwhelming public support for continued robust and sustained federal investment in cancer research and urge lawmakers to make fighting cancer a top national priority.