
Updates matching "Montana"

April 5, 2019

HELENA, Mont. – April 5, 2019—The House Judiciary Committee has blocked a key public health bill from being voted on by the full House. Senate Bill (SB) 21 would restrict minors from indoor tanning. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) and the Montana Academy of Dermatology speak

March 12, 2019

HELENA, MT – March 11, 2019 – Cancer survivors and caregivers with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) thanked Gov. Bullock in person today, March 11, 2019, for his help urging lawmakers to lift the sunset on Medicaid expansion so that it doesn’t expire in July,

March 10, 2019

Helena, MT—March 10, 2019— Gov. Bullock will sport sneakers with his suit on Monday, March 11, 2019, as he goes for a full-court press to urge the Legislature to ensure hard-working, low-income Montanans continue to have access to health care through Medicaid expansion. Going without health insurance can mean the

February 14, 2019

As a business owner for the past 18 years in Billings, I know what a good deal looks like, and continuing Medicaid expansion is not just a good deal — it is a great deal.

January 28, 2019

Prom season will be upon us soon and that means many young Montanans will seek a bronze glow to go with formal attire for their memorable high school events ahead. Little do they know that research shows using indoor tanning devices before the age of 35 increases melanoma by 59

January 26, 2019

My world nearly turned upside down when I was only 30 years old. It was supposed to be a routine doctor visit to remove a mole. A biopsy showed the mole was melanoma — the most serious form of skin cancer. In fact, it was stage 2B. Cancer is not

November 9, 2018

Initiative 185 Would Have Saved Lives, Saved Money and Funded Vital Services Including Medicaid to Improve the Lives of Montanans MISSOULA, Mont.—Nov. 7, 2018—Unfortunately, despite strong grassroots support, Montana’s Initiative 185 was voted down after Big Tobacco poured $18 million into our state in order to keep Montanans addicted. Initiative

September 10, 2018

Many stakeholders are involved in the health care debate, and often the concerns of patients, consumers and their family caregivers can be underrepresented. Health Votes Montana is a series of six nonpartisan state candidate legislative forums focused on addressing these key issues around cancer and aging, disease prevention and access to quality, affordable health coverage. Health Votes Montana is sponsored by ACS CAN, AARP Montana and the Montana Primary Care Association.

August 13, 2018

A tobacco industry-funded group wants to change the wording of a citizen's ballot initiative that would significantly raise Montana's tobacco taxes, a legal challenge that is part of the group's expensive effort to defeat the measure when it goes to voters in November. The Montana Standard reports.