
Updates matching "Maryland"

May 15, 2018

Thank you to Michele Williams, ACS CAN volunteer Co-Lead Ambassador for Maryland and to all of the advocates from many health organizations who attended One Voice Against Cancer Day on Capitol Hill to urge Congress to sustain funding for cancer research and prevention programs. You too can ask your lawmaker

April 25, 2018

Maryland End of Session Summary

March 1, 2018

ACS CAN Advocates and community partners, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, March of Dimes and MD GASP testified in the Economic Matters committee on House Bill 953 that would raise the minimum sales age for tobacco products to age 21. Check out coverage of students from Towson

February 27, 2018

On May 27, 2018 ACS CAN advocates met with their lawmakers for our annual ACS CAN Day at the Capitol. Advocates urged their lawmakers to support 1) raising the minimum sales age to 21 for cigarettes, 2) restore funding for comprehensive tobacco use prevention and cessation programs to $21 million,

January 10, 2018

Happy New Year! As we ring in the new year, I hope we can continue to count on our advocates' support to help make 2018 another great year! January 10th marks the first day of the Maryland General Assembly and this year's ACS CAN’s state legislative priorities are: Increase funding

December 15, 2017

DATE: February 27, 2018 Increase funding for tobacco control programs to $21 million. Prohibit the sale of tobacco products to persons under the age of 21. Protect state funding for the Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program. LOCATION: Lowe House Office Building 6 Bladen Street Room 142 Annapolis,

November 16, 2017

DAMASCUS - Local high school students, public health groups and legislative representatives marked the American Cancer Society’s 42nd annual Great American Smokeout today by calling on lawmakers to protect the health of Maryland residents by passing strong tobacco control legislation. Only by tackling tobacco use through a comprehensive approach can

November 15, 2017

Easton Doctor of Nursing and American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Ambassador Receives Abeloff Award for Excellence in Public Health and Cancer Control from Maryland Department of Health Dr. Michele Williams has received the 2017 Martin D. Abeloff Award for Excellence in Public Health and Cancer Control from the

November 7, 2017
Maryland, National

Jackie Beale, an ACS CAN volunteer from Maryland, knew her family’s history of cancer put her at risk. Today, sitting in front of key aides to members of Congress, she made sure they understood why that was so important. In 2002, while performing a self-breast exam, Jackie felt a small