Pennsylvania Press Releases
Harrisburg, PA – January 11, 2018 – As lawmakers return to work after the holiday season the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is looking ahead to what public health initiatives can be accomplished in 2018.
Harrisburg, PA – October 26, 2017 – The following statement can be attributed to Diane Phillips, director of government relations in Pennsylvania for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network.
HARRISBURG - The following statement can be attributed to Diane Phillips, director of government relations in Pennsylvania for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN).
Harrisburg, PA – September 26, 2017 – A new poll released today by the Breathe Free Pennsylvania Coalition shows Pennsylvanian voters overwhelmingly support closing loopholes in the current Clean Indoor Air Act.
Harrisburg, PA – June 30, 2017 – The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network opposes House Bill 1477 which would lower the tax on e-cigarettes from 40 percent of the wholesale price to a 5 cents/mL tax and would exclude these products from the definition of tobacco products
Harrisburg, PA – May 8, 2017 – This statement can be attributed to five of the leading health advocacy organizations: American Heart Association, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, American Lung Association, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and Americans for Nonsmok
Cancer Patients and Survivors Traveled to Harrisburg to Urge Legislators to Make Cancer a Priority
Volunteers Met with Pennsylvania Lawmakers to Ask for Support for Strengthening the Clean Indoor Air Act and Maintaining Funding for the HealthyWoman program.
In a friend-of-the-court brief filed today with the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania in the case of Lora Jean Williams et al. v. City of Philadelphia et al., leading groups working to improve the health of communities provide scientific evidence of the severe consequences of sugary drinks and their impact in Philadelphia.
Adding E-cigarettes to Allegheny County’s Smoke-free Law a Victory for Public Health