
Smoke-free Press Releases

April 15, 2008

Iowa Becomes 29th State to Enact Smoke-Free Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- April 15, 2008 -- Iowa Governor Chet Culver today signed the Smokefree Air Act (HF 2212), comprehensive legislation that will eliminate smoking in non-hospitality workplaces, bars and restaurants throughout the state. The statewide law will take effect July 1, 2008.  

February 26, 2008

Nebraska Governor Signs Comprehensive Smoke-Fee Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. --  February 26, 2008 -- Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman today signed the Nebraska Clean Indoor Act, comprehensive legislation that will eliminate smoking in workplaces, bars, restaurants and casinos throughout the state.

January 10, 2007

Speaker's Lobby Goes Smoke-Free

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- January 10, 2007 -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) today announced that effective immediately, the Speaker’s Lobby will go smoke-free.