
State of the Union Address Calls Attention to the Importance of Childhood Cancer Research

February 5, 2019

Washington, D.C. –The president used part of his State of the Union address tonight to draw attention to the importance of elevating pediatric cancer research as a national priority. This comes after the president signed the Childhood Cancer Survivorship, Treatment, Access and Research (STAR) Act into law last June. In addition to mentioning the importance of federally-supported childhood cancer research, the president also invited a childhood cancer survivor from New Jersey as one of his guests at the address.

A statement from Lisa Lacasse, president of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), follows:

“ACS CAN commends the administration for continuing to elevate the important issue of childhood cancer research. Cancer remains the leading disease-related cause of death among U.S. children.

“Federally-funded cancer research is the engine that drives ongoing progress in the fight against pediatric cancers. Passage of the STAR Act this past June with overwhelming bipartisan support reflects the priority lawmakers place on addressing a disease that affects some of the most vulnerable in our nation. ACS CAN calls on Congress and the administration to fully fund the STAR Act in the FY20 budget and ensure childhood cancer research remains a national priority.” 


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