
WV ACS CAN 2017 Legislative Priorities

January 31, 2017

2017 Legislative Priorities

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is the nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy affiliate of the American Cancer society.  ACS CAN supports evidence-based policy and legislative solutions designed to eliminate cancer as a major health problem.

The following highlights ACS CAN WV 2017 legislative priorities:


Tobacco Control Issues

  • Defend local smoke-free air ordinances and defeat preemption at the state level.
  • Increase the number of comprehensive smoke-free counties.
  • Advocate for a significant tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products.
  • Advocate to increase funding for the WV Tobacco Prevention and Control Program to CDC level of $27.5 million.


Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity

  • Advocate for policies that promote healthy eating and physical activity.

Skin Cancer

  •     Strengthen current indoor tanning legislation to protect all WV minors 18 and under.


Cancer Program funding

  • Maintain funding for the West Virginia Cancer Registry.
  • Maintain funding for the Mountains of Hope West Virginia Cancer Coalition.
  • Maintain funding for the West Virginia Breast and Cervical Diagnostic and Treatment Fund.
  • Increase funding for state tobacco prevention program to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended level.