
Minnesota State Lead Ambassador

Ann Deshler


MN volunteerAnn Deshler has been a volunteer with ACS CAN since 2010 and with ACS since 1979. Ann’s experience with ACS began when she received a scholarship from them while studying to become a nurse. Anne lives in Edina and also volunteers with the Oncology Nursing Society.

Why are you a cancer advocate?

My passion for advocacy began when I heard a whistle-blower from the tobacco industry speak in the 80s at the American Cancer Society. I was shocked by how the tobacco industry had lied and deceived the public, and so I wanted to fight back to hold Big Tobacco accountable and prevent youth tobacco use.  I have been involved at the city, county, and state levels over the years with tobacco-related issues including second hand smoke, taxes and youth access.  I continue to stay involved because of family and friends who have been diagnosed with cancer, including my mother, husband, sister-in-law and best friend.

Why is being an ACS CAN volunteer important to you?

I want to make a difference in the fight against cancer – for my family, friends, and those impacted by cancer. I have seen tremendous progress made in the treatment of many types of cancer as a result of research funded by the NCI and strides made in tobacco prevention as a result of our efforts. As long as I am able, I will continue to advocate for policies that make a difference in the fight against cancer.

Why should others in your community get involved with ACS CAN?

We all have a story to tell about how cancer has impacted us either personally or through a loved one. Those stories make the difference when talking with legislators about why our issues are important. Whether it is through the purchase of Lights of Hope bags, responding to ACS CAN alerts, meeting with legislators, writing letters to the editor, or attending a Day at the Capitol, there is something we can all do to help in telling those we elect what is important to us.


Want to join me in the fight against cancer? Fill out this form to sign up to be an ACS CAN volunteer in Minnesota.