Oregon City Supports Statewide Ban on Flavored Tobacco Products
OREGON CITY, OR — Oregon City has taken a stand against flavored tobacco products by passing a resolution on Wednesday that calls for an end to their sale.
The late ACS CAN volunteer Terrie Hall is featured in a newest installment of a nationwide advertising campaign convincing people to not smoke.ξ The ads are part of the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionÈs (CDC) Tips From Former Smokers campaign. Terrie, an Ambassador at ACS CANÈs Celebration on the Hill and a longtime volunteer for her local Relay For Life event, died last fall at the young age of 53 of smoking-related cancer. Terrie, who started smoking in high school, was diagnosed with oral and throat cancer in 2001 at the age of 40, eventually having her voice box removed. But, she never let this stand in the way of sharing her story with anyone who would listen. She often talked about wishing someone had shown her what the consequences of smoking could be when she was a teenager. At TerrieÈs request, the new ad was recorded at her hospital bedside. She talked about the heartache she experiences when she sees teenagers smoking. Teenage Regrets
TerrieÈs Place in History