How You Can Help Hold Big Tobacco Accountable
Nearly 20 years ago, a U.S. Federal District judge found that the major cigarette manufacturers violated civil racketeering laws for deliberately defrauding the public.
A federal district court judge in Washington, DC sided with Big Tobacco when he ruled that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) could not implement its new cigarette warning labels. The new warning labels were to feature photos and drawings which depict the consequences of smoking and text, such as Cigarettes Cause Cancer, warning of the danger that comes with smoking.
"For decades, the tobacco industry has aggressively preyed upon the American public with misleading and fraudulent marketing practices, while the warning labels have not been changed in 25 years," said Chris Hansen, president of ACS CAN.
"Larger, graphic warning labels have the potential to encourage adults to quit smoking cigarettes and deter children from starting in the first place. The ruling ignores the overwhelming, decades-long need for strong cigarette warning labels and allows Big Tobacco to proceed Èbusiness as usual,È continuing to promote its highly addictive and deadly products."
Since the day the law was passed, cigarette companies have been looking for ways to block or delay the law's implementation. This lawsuit by Big Tobacco was another step in that process. They filed a similar lawsuit in 2010, but in that case the U.S. District Court judge in Kentucky ruled against Big Tobacco.
ACS CAN continues to work diligently for the law's effective implementation to protect consumers and children from the tobacco industry's addictive and deadly products.
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