ACS CAN Launches Print and Online Advertising Campaign Urging the Senate to Pass FDA Regulation of Tobacco Products
April 22, 2009
Every day the Senate delays passage of this lifesaving piece of legislation, 3,500 kids targetted by Big Tobacco, smoke their first cigarette.
Throughout the campaign, the ad will tally the growing number of children who take their first puff every day by showing the number of schoolhouses those children would fill. The longer it takes to pass the bill, the more schoolhouses will be shown in the ad. The ad copy reminds the Senate that Big Tobacco doesnÈt take a recess from marketing to children, so please donÈt take yours without protecting our kids first. Click here to view the Schoolhouse ad.
Nearly 20 years ago, a U.S. Federal District judge found that the major cigarette manufacturers violated civil racketeering laws for deliberately defrauding the public.
Victory in the fight against cancer requires bold new public policies that promote cancer prevention, early detection of cancer, expanded access to quality, affordable health care.