
Ambassadors heading to the Hill

August 30, 2016

ACS CAN legislative ambassadors are heading ot the Hill on September 13, 2016 to urge Congress to make cancer a national priority.   The following ambassadors attending representing their congressional district are Jacqueline Beale, State Lead Ambassador, Michele Williams (CD-1), Tori Lewitt (CD-2), Nicole Harrision (CD-3), La'Kisa Cole (CD-4), O'Cheye Williams (CD-5) Becki Burral-Phetteplace (CD-6), Chanell Benn (CD-7),  Lysette House (CD-8) and Peggy Kidwell (CD-8) along with ACS CAN Grassroots Manager, Sherry McCammon

Ambassadors will be urging to their US Represenatives to increase funding on cancer research, pass legisation to improve palliative care, and close the loophole for colorectal screenings for Medicaid patients.