
2016 WV Legislative Session Wrap-Up

March 17, 2016

The 82nd Legislative Session for the House of Delegates and State Senate adjourned Saturday at midnight.  They then quickly reconvened to address the budget bill in a conference committee during an extended Budget Session for three days.                                                                                            

The budget bill addresses the budgetary obstacles and procedures for the next fiscal year (2017). The Senate did not agree with the House budget, so they will be going into another three days of conferencing.   We are hoping that a tobacco tax will be discussed and offered as one of the solutions to the revenue deficit the state is facing for 2017. 

Five House members and five Senate members have been selected to serve on the conference committee.  The House members selected are: Nelson, E., Anderson, Householder, Miller and Perry.  The Senate members selected are:  Hall, Walters, Sypolt, Prezioso and Plymale. 

ACS CAN will be talking to the members of the conference committee to ask that they consider a $1.00 tobacco tax increase.   There is a strong possibility that a tobacco tax will be addressed, so please continue to check our WV ACS CAN website for updates!

A total of 6 preemption bills that would have weakened our current smoke-free air laws were defeated this session thanks to all of the grassroots efforts in contacting your legislators.  This is a huge victory for ACS CAN and clean indoor air in West Virginia! Thank you for your support and action taken to help make this happen!