
Improving Quality of Life Care in Texas

September 26, 2014

In 2015, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network will be working with State Representative John Zerwas, M.D. to promote legislation that will improve our understanding of -- and ultimately quality and access to -- palliative care in Texas.

Our legislative goal is to improve quality and delivery of patient-centered and family-focused care in Texas by establishing:

  1. A state advisory council on palliative care and quality of life to identify barriers preventing access to palliative care for patients with serious or long-term illness.
  2. A palliative care consumer and professional information program ensuring that comprehensive and accurate information about palliative care is available to the public, health care providers, and health care facilities.

Palliative care -- also called supportive care -- is about improving quality of life and providing an extra layer of support to relieve pain, symptoms, and stress of serious illness, and can be provided alongside curative treatment. It helps both the patient and family and is appropriate at any age and any stage. At its core, palliative care is about treating the person as well as the disease.