
Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement

March 6, 2013

In 1998, 46 states, including Oregon, and the tobacco companies entered into a $221 billion settlement to compensate states for past and future smoking-related expenditures. Since then, Oregon has received over $1 billion in settlement funds which unfortunately have been used for things such as debt service and budget shortfalls.

Click here for a brief history of Oregon's Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement.

This year, however, a large portion of this money is available for allocation. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), together with leading health and health care organizations in Oregon, has put forth a legislative proposal that fulfills the original intent of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement by recommending that all available funds be allocated to health and prevention efforts to build a healthier future for Oregonians.

Click here to view the initial legislative proposal. Click here to view an updated legislative proposal. 

Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement Campaign's response to the Co-Chair's Budget - click here to read the press release

Stay tuned for more information regarding this proposal and other legislative updates.