
20% Slashed From Tobacco Control - Statement by Don Distasio

March 26, 2009
Breaking News - 20% Slashed from New York Tobacco Control Program

The news from Albany isn't good as we head into the final days of negotiations on the New York State budget. Now comes word that the tobacco control program will be slashed by a shocking 20%.

Below is a statement, just released, by Donald Distasio, chief executive officer of the American Cancer Society of New York and New Jersey.

from the American Cancer Society

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Statement from Donald Distasio, CEO, American Cancer Society of
NY & NJ, in response to a $10 million cut to the state’s tobacco control program.

“Slashing New York’s tobacco control program by another $10 million sends the wrong message – it tells smokers who want to quit that the state really isn’t interested in helping them and it tells kids that smoking may not be all that harmful after all.

New York is a leader in the fight against Big Tobacco – with smoke-free worksites, the highest cigarette tax in the nation and a high performing, highly effective tobacco control program. Not only does this cut turn back the clock on those gains, but it is penny-wise and pound-foolish and will only yield more misery and suffering for people’s health and their wallets.

The bottom line is that without a strong tobacco control program, more kids will light up, fewer adults will quit, more New Yorkers will get sick and die of tobacco-related illnesses, and New York’s taxpayers will foot the bill for increased Medicaid costs. We urge lawmakers to reject this cut and keep New York’s smoking rates on the decline.”


  • The American Cancer Society has learned of an agreement among legislative leaders to cut New York's tobacco control program by an additional $10 million in the next state budget.
  • The latest cut, on top of previous cuts instituted by the Governor, means the program would go from $85.5 million a year ago to $68 million - a 20 percent cut.
  • The tobacco control program educates the public about the dangers of smoking, helps adults quit smoking and prevents kids from ever starting.
  • Smoking kills 25,400 New Yorkers every year. (Centers for Disease Control)
  • NY’s Medicaid program spends more than $5 billion a year treating smoking-related illnesses.
  • Rates of adult and teen smoking in New York have fallen at a faster rate than the U.S. as a whole. In 2002, 22.3 percent of New York adults were smokers. In 2007, that had declined to 18.9 percent.
  • Teenage smoking has fallen even faster, from 21.3 percent in 2002 to 13.8 percent in 2007.
  • Other states, including Massachusetts and Florida, have cut successful tobacco control programs and have seen smoking rates increase.
  • A $10 million cut means 20% fewer kids will be educated about the dangers of tobacco and 20% fewer smokers who want to quit will get the help they need.
  • Last month, 33,420 called the NYS Smokers’ Quitline, run by the tobacco control program, seeking assistance.



The American Cancer Society is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by saving lives, diminishing suffering and preventing cancer through research, education, advocacy and service. The American Cancer Society Eastern Division has 46 community-based offices, involving thousands of volunteers throughout NY and NJ. For 24-hour cancer information, call toll free 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit