
New Poll Shows New Mexicans Strongly Favor $1 Increase on Tobacco Tax

January 12, 2016

Raising tobacco taxes to deal with revenue challenges is strongly supported across party lines in New Mexico. A new poll conducted by Public Opinion Strategies shows 82 percent of New Mexicans support raising the tobacco tax by a buck-a-pack. 

The same poll indicates it is not “politics as usual” when it comes to tobacco taxes. In the impending budget battle, raising taxes on tobacco products is one of the few options that everyone can agree on.  Even among groups typically unhappy with taxes, such as conservative voters, support for a tobacco tax hike reaches as high as 80 percent.

“Voters tell us time and time again that tobacco tax increases are not the same as other tax increases,” said ACS CAN New Mexico Director of Government Relations Sandra Adondakis.  “Even a majority of regular smokers back a $1 per pack increase.”

New Mexico voters also back extending the tobacco tax increase to other forms of tobacco products.  They also say they are more likely to vote for a candidate who supports the increase.

Increasing tobacco taxes in New Mexico by at least $1 will have far reaching health benefits for the state including preventing 8,100 kids from becoming smokers and preventing 5,100 premature deaths due to smoking.