
Smokefree air legislation passes House and Senate!

December 11, 2009

We are very excited to share with you the news that the Michigan Legislature today just passed historic legislation that will make Michigan smokefree beginning May 1, 2010. Led by the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, and American Lung Association, advocates have been working on this for over 10 years. Earlier today the Senate passed its version of the bill 24-12, and the House concurred at 3:20 p.m. with a vote of 75-30. We anticipate Governor Granholm will sign the bill into law before the end of the year.

Until today, Michigan was one of only 13 states that had not taken action to protect its residents from secondhand smoke. After years of work on our part, our policymakers have responded to the overwhelming majority of Michigan citizens who sought protection from secondhand smoke. We know thousands of lives will be saved over time here in Michigan as a result of this action. You should all feel very proud of the fact that it was your determination and will as an American Cancer Society volunteer or staff to pass a smokefree air policy in Michigan that ultimately made this happen. Congratulations to all of you…we are now the 38th state to go smokefree.

The bill is not 100% perfect because it exempts existing state casinos, however it does limit smoking to gaming floors only. It also exempts cigar bars and specialty shops but narrowly defines these exemptions. Despite these slight flaws, we wholeheartedly support the passage of this bill based on the realities of the political challenges we face in this state. An additional positive aspect of the bill is it makes any future state casinos 100% smokefree.

As we move forward, the American Cancer Society will continue to work to fine tune this legislation to assure that every single worker in this state is protected from secondhand smoke.

Once again, congratulations…let the celebration begin!