
Get involved: Be a Community Ambassador!

April 24, 2013

A Community Ambassador is a volunteer position that serves as a volunteer liaison to your State Representative and State Senator. Ambassadors also have the opportunity to engage their federal lawmakers on key federal policies. Your role is to help ACS CAN advance its legislative priorities in Indiana. 

Main Responsibilities:

  • Communicate with your state & federal lawmakers (ex: attend coffee hours or town hall forums they are hosting, send an email or make a phone call to their office)
  • Respond to American Cancer Society and American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) email action alerts
  • Maintain a current ACS CAN membership (A minimum $10 annual membership fee)
  • Send letters to the editor to local media as requested on state and federal cancer issues to help educate your neighbors about the fight against cancer. 
  • Invite others to join the movement by collecting petitions, sharing your story or simply posting on social media. 

You will also be invited to attend periodic conference calls with other volunteers and ACS CAN staff.

In Indiana, Ambassadors are especially important during the legislative session, which is generally January – April of each year.

To sign up, simply email your name, address and contact info to [email protected] or sign up here