
2013 Summer Update

August 7, 2013
Summer Edition

We have had a busy summer and are already starting to build momentum for Florida’s next Legislative Session. Your ACS CAN Florida staff has been hard at work laying the foundation to strengthen our grassroots network and make us even more successful in 2014.

Breast Cancer Screening

As you know, we had phenomenal successes during the 2013 Legislative Session with all of our priority issues. No battle was harder fought than the battle for additional funding for the Mary Brogan Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, which helps at-risk, medically underserved women get access to screenings and lifesaving treatment. Our accomplishments in 2013 - a $1.54 million appropriation - have not deterred us from our mission to secure the full $2.4 million in state dollars for Mary Brogan and we have already been working this summer to meet that end. Of course, we will not be able to reach this goal without your help! Please continue to look for updates on Facebook, Twitter and our website.

Lights of Hope

On September 10th, thousands of cancer advocates will gather in Washington, DC for a special ceremony. We want you and your loved ones to be represented too.  For a contribution of just $10, you can dedicate a Light of Hope to someone you love. Their name will be placed on a Lights of Hope luminary and displayed around the Reflecting Pool. Last year, Florida sold more Lights of Hope than any other state, and we’re hoping to earn that recognition again this year. In order for the Florida Division and/or individual lobby day participants to receive credit for bags sold, information must be entered online by Friday, August 30. Click here to order yours today!

2014 Legislative Session

Believe it or not, Florida’s Senators and Representatives have already been assigned to the committees for the 2014 Session and will begin meeting in the coming weeks. We look forward to keeping you updated on what's happening at the Capitol. We hope you will continue to stay informed and engaged, and help to advance our legislative priorities.

New Facebook Page

We have a new Facebook page and we need everyone reading this to “Like” it. Find our new page at and share it with your friends and family.

As always, you can find information and updates from ACS CAN at and you can get real-time updates on Twitter. Follow us at @ACSCAN_Florida