CONCORD, NH —March 6, 2025— Earlier today, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) volunteers rallied at the New Hampshire State House as a part of their annual Cancer Action Day advocating for several legislative proposals that aim to address the needs of patients across the cancer continuum. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) gives people impacted by cancer a powerful voice with lawmakers by holding an annual Cancer Action Day.
Specifically, the advocates urged support of a proposal to improve access to biomarker testing (SB 120) and legislation relative to insurance cost sharing calculations (SB 17). They also asked lawmakers to protect level funding for the state’s Tobacco Control & Cessation Program, the Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening Program and the State Cancer Registry.
Volunteers met with lawmakers to discuss the role of biomarker testing in connecting patients with the precision medicine treatments that have been proven to reduce risk of death and improve quality of life. ACS CAN volunteer Nanci Carney shared her melanoma diagnosis and the role that biomarker testing played in her treatment and survivorship.
“Biomarker testing is a part of why I’m here today,” said Carney. “Unfortunately, my insurance company didn’t consider this cutting-edge test ‘medically necessary’ – leaving me with thousands of dollars in surprise bills. As a cancer survivor, I want to ensure nobody else experiences this unnecessary hurdle on top of an already difficult situation.” (Listen to Nanci share her full story here).
Access to biomarker testing opens the door to personalized medicine, including targeted therapy – in fact, 60% of oncology drugs launched in the past five years require or recommend biomarker testing prior to use. As of now, 20 states have passed legislation addressing insurance coverage of this testing that can open the door to lifesaving treatment.
“Commitments to increase affordability are needed by patients across the care continuum. From ensuring access to biomarker testing to addressing the ongoing cost of prescription medications, lawmakers have a role to play in improving quality of life for cancer patients and their families,” said Sen. Daniel Innis, the primary sponsor of SB 17 and SB 120, “After meeting with the many ACS CAN advocates here today, I hope my colleagues will join me in supporting both of these impactful pieces of legislation.”
“Concerns around the cost of living pervade everyday life for many. For those with cancer, the financial weight of everyday decisions can be crushing. Granite Staters are looking for state leaders to intervene and prevent the costs of care from trending upward and potentially trapping them in a lifetime of medical debt,” said Mike Rollo, ACS CAN New Hampshire director of government relations.
Advocates also asked lawmakers to address the cost of cancer and other serious diseases by addressing co-pay accumulator adjustment practices. In New Hampshire, 50-75% of all private insurance plans include copay accumulator adjustment programs which prevent prescription drug copay assistance from counting toward patients’ out-of-pocket cost obligations. Prescription drug costs are a challenge for nearly one-third of cancer patients and survivors, with one-in-five individuals skipping or delaying taking prescribed medications due to costs.
“Copay accumulator adjustments are often implemented without enrollees’ knowledge or full understanding of how the program works and affects their out-of-pocket costs – causing undue stress and hardship,” continued Rollo. “Concerns over being able to afford their prescriptions is not something a cancer patient deserves to face on top of an already life altering diagnosis.”
“Over 10,000 Granite Staters will hear the words, ‘you have cancer’ this year. ACS CAN hopes that lawmakers will listen to the many stories shared today and take important steps toward ensuring that a cancer diagnosis does not create undue financial hardship for anyone, in any of our communities.”
The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) makes cancer a top priority for policymakers at every level of government. ACS CAN empowers volunteers across the country to make their voices heard to influence evidence-based public policy change that improves the lives of people with cancer and their families. We believe everyone should have a fair and just opportunity to prevent, find, treat, and survive cancer. Since 2001, as the American Cancer Society’s nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy affiliate, ACS CAN has successfully advocated for billions of dollars in cancer research funding, expanded access to quality affordable health care, and advanced proven tobacco control measures. We’re more determined than ever to stand together with our volunteers to end cancer as we know it, for everyone. Join the fight by visiting