Urge U.S. Senate candidates in your state to sign the Cancer Promise


You can help make cancer an election issue.

Group of three cancer votes volunteers.

Every day, lawmakers at every level of government play a critical role in leading policy changes that are vital to the fight against cancer. 

ACS CAN's Cancer Votes program informs candidates and the public at the local, state and federal levels about the actions lawmakers should take to make fighting cancer a top priority.

Through Cancer Votes, ACS CAN is asking candidates for U.S. Senate to sign the Cancer Promise, a pledge to support evidence-based public policy solutions to end cancer as we know it, for everyone. 

To contact Senate candidates in your state, simply click your state below. If you don't live in a state with a U.S. Senate election this year, you can send a message to the presidential candidates. 

Arizona California Connecticut
Delaware Florida Hawaii
Indiana Maine Massachusetts.
Michigan Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Dakota Ohio
Pennsylvania Rhode Island Tennessee
Texas Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington West Virginia


Your Support CAN fight Cancer