
New Legislative Committee Brings Renewed Hope for Saving Lives from Cancer

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Expresses Encouragement in the Fight Against Cancer Ahead of First Joint Legislative Committee Meeting on Access to Care

February 16, 2022

RALEIGH, NC – February 16, 2022 – A new legislative committee dedicated to reviewing options to increase Medicaid eligibility in the state will meet for the first time Friday.

The below is a statement on behalf of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) ahead of the meetings and can be attributed to Derwin Montgomery, ACS CAN North Carolina Government Relations Director.

“We’re encouraged by the legislature’s commitment in the fight against cancer with the formation of a dedicated Medicaid expansion review committee. Now more than ever, we need strong and informed policy that recognizes the science behind accessible care and its impact on the health of North Carolinians as a driving factor in cancer survivorship.

“Cancer isn’t partisan. And its impact in our state can’t be understated as it continues to be the leading cause of death for North Carolinians. Only by taking the time, remaining guided by evidence and working across party lines can we truly address its impact in the state -- and at such a pivotal moment in the fight.

“On behalf of all North Carolinians touched by cancer, we thank committee members for their work on access to health care thus far and in the months to come as members of the special committee.”

Medicaid expansion was a priority issue last session that had wide support from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle as data continually shows that cancer patients living in states with lower income Medicaid eligibility limits see significantly worse survival rates for most cancer in comparison to states with higher limited.

This year alone, nearly 65,320 North Carolinians will be diagnosed with cancer – too many of whom will be uninsured when they receive the devastating news. Over 372,400 North Carolinians who fall within the coverage gap will face one of the biggest barriers to receive their critical screenings: cost.